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Leadership Huntingdon County

Leadership Huntingdon County is an initiative of the Huntingdon County Chamber of Commerce. It is part of a strategy to grow our community through leadership development, entrepreneurism and community action. We believe that the solutions to the issues facing our schools, our local government, our community organizations and our businesses can be found in the people of Huntingdon County. We encourage you to join us in this effort by being a volunteer, financial supporter and/or applicant.


Participants in Leadership Huntingdon County will receive training on issues facing our community and leadership skill training through an exciting, interactive series of workshops. The main goal of the program is to prepare individuals to assume active and effective roles in addressing community needs. The program will:

  • Seek out and identify motivated and concerned individuals in the community
  • Prepare committed and qualified individuals to assume leadership roles
  • Further enhance the abilities of existing leaders
  • Explore critical issues facing the county
  • Enhance leadership skills
  • Stimulate a commitment and responsibility to serve the community
  • Develop teamwork among the participants
  • Identify opportunities for community involvement
  • Enhance the quality of life in Huntingdon County

Leadership Huntingdon County is following the model of other community leadership programs, meeting monthly for nine months, adhering to a strict attendance policy, and requiring a financial commitment from participants. The program requires a commitment of one morning per month, two Saturday field trips, and Saturday attendance at a leadership retreat. Each meeting will include refreshments and two to three hours of training. Tuition for the program has been set at $650 for Chamber members and $750 for non-members. Scholarships are available.

Our Mission

Encourage citizens to become engaged community members by incorporating prior experience and developing knowledge to make a positive impact on Huntingdon County.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe in the mission of Community Leadership – to strengthen and transform communities.
  • We believe that directors must become leadership development professionals able to facilitate learning and to empower others.
  • We believe all people in a community should be involved in making a community work – a true leader-full community.
  • We believe everyone has the gifts and talents – part of the light – which will lead to answers and solutions the community needs.
  • We believe leadership development must create servant leaders who have the capacities to get people to work together.
  • We believe the “Best Test for Servant Leadership” sets the expectations for behavior in leadership development program: “Do those served, while being served become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants.”
  • We believe that leadership skills for the 21st century are life skills. All parts of life – home, work, play, service, require the same skills and capabilities.
  • And, we believe that true servant leaders create leaders who create leaders who create leaders.


The Leadership Program is a program of the Huntingdon County Chamber of Commerce.  Committee members include Barbara Covert (Chair), Marissa Davis, Alisha Grove, John Kearns, Lorena LaGroue (Chamber Representative), Jenny Madden, Dr. Patricia Shope (Facilitator), Lonnie Smith, Jr., and Margaret Skrivseth.

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